This month has been a bit rocky - My mum and sister went back to the UK.. the clocks went forward (so it's getting dark really early) and my umbrella was stolen from a campsite (!).
On the plus side - I had a little trip to lovely Napier last weekend.. have started plotting for a certain someone's big birthday in May and I've done a lot of organising for the future, both long term (Lisbon ahoy) and more short term, which includes me freelancing on a bigger scale again.
Part of this includes having a stand or two at local markets.. the first of which (and possibly the biggest!) *might* be in July. I'm planning to display and sell work that fits into the theme of adventure and exploration, which is most definitely what this life business is about. Dinosaurs may feature. Infact, this little chap will be hanging out with the previously featured stegosaurus. Except he will be slightly better dressed.